Monday, January 29, 2018

Week #3 Introduction to Search Engine Optimization - MKTG 348

Chapter two of Introduction to Search Engine Optimization talks about content related to SEO. Did you know there are tools available for us to use to help us with SEO? Chapter two also discusses those tools.  One tool that is mentioned in this chapter is Blogger! Which happens to be the site I have been using to create my blog for the last semester and part of this semester. Blogger is a great way to start developing content, especially if it's your first time trying to create it.

The image above is a screenshot of my first ever blog post. I think I've come a long way since that first post. I have grown to love blogger and blogging in general. It's the easiest way to create content and you'll really learn a lot about many different things along the way. The more quality content you post the more likely it is t be found.

Blogger isn't the only tool you can use. Creating a free website is also an option. Google provides are a lot like blogger. They both seem fairly simple but can pack a big punch. Another option is creating videos and posting them on YoutTube. The list of tools that can be used to help with SEO goes on and on. It's important for anyone going into the marketing field, in my opinion, to get their feet wet with as many different tools as you can. The more knowledge the better. Who knows maybe your blogger will blow up and you'll become very well known and will be a the top result when people search for you. The possibilities are endless. 

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Week 11: Amplifying content for SEO - MKTG 348

Pictures are a great way to grab a readers attention. I highly suggest you include at least one picture for any kind of post you are creatin...