Facebook ads are alllllll over the place. I am sure most of you guys have seen them, heck i'm sure some of you are seeing some as your scrolling through Facebook right now. Reading chapter 4 of my social media marketing book I came up with a list of pros and cons of Facebook ads. Pros: they get people to lure them in to look at a certain product or business, anyone can create a Facebook ad, they can be very beneficial to you if you are running a campaign, and they are not that hard ti create.
Cons: You need to pay for your ad to be on Facebook ( the price varies ) and the only other con I can come up with is that some people might think of these ads as annoying.
Personally, if I had a business I would totally create Facebook ads. A lot of people use Facebook it's a great way to expand marketing. For example, look at the screen shot I took from my personal Facebook. A clothing company, on the right side, is trying to lure us in by telling us they have free shipping and that their clothes start at $8.99. Free shipping drew me right in. Also pictured is a link to the Dollar Shave Club. That could also be seen as an ad. They are offering what seems to be a package deal for only a dollar?? Of course we have to "see more" to find out what the real deal it. All in all Facebook ads could be very useful. Sure, an over abundance of them may seem a little annoying but in reality they are very beneficial.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Week #5- What Color is Your Parachute?
In this weeks reading of What Color is Your Parachute I learned about job hunting. Job hunting never changes, well the essence of it doesn't change. Everyone has to go on a job hunt at least once in their life. It's something we cannot avoid. According to the book there is no right or wrong way to go on a job hunt. To be honest your going to fail countless amounts of times before you find the right job, but that is okay. It's a part of life. This book is here to guide us through this big scary world of "big boy or big girl" jobs. It's a trial and error process.
One thing we do need to realize is that job hunting is a job in itself. Looking for a job is a full time job LOL. People these days think that finding a job will happen fast. Hate to burst your bubble but that is not true what so ever. The job hunting process is not meant to be speedy. How good of a job can it be if everything happens so fast. Not only do you want to hunt for a job you like but you also want to do some research on it to make sure it is the right fit for you. Look into the places you are hiring. Ask your self if you could see yourself working in this kind of environment or if you could see yourself doing that job. If one of those things seems iffy keep searching. One thing I have learned so far is that job hunting is mysterious, it works in weird ways. So don't be upset if one of the jobs did not work out because the best job you've ever had could be right around he corner.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Week 4: Chapter 3, Introduction to Social Media Marketing.
Last week in class we learned how to make our own Facebook page. Making my own Facebook page is something I never thought I would do. I honestly had no Idea how to create a Facebook page until learning in class as well as reading this chapter. I think the biggest challenge to me was figuring out how to create the page in general. I had no idea where to start, but thankfully with the aid of my professor as well as his book I was able to create my own page!
Creating your own Facebook page could be very useful. Especially if you have your own business and are looking for a way to promote it. Since creating my own page I was able to post these blogs and get feedback from friends and family. I think having this page will help my blog grow. If anyone would like to know how to create their own Facebook page feel free to shoot me a message. I would be more than happy to help!
Creating your own Facebook page could be very useful. Especially if you have your own business and are looking for a way to promote it. Since creating my own page I was able to post these blogs and get feedback from friends and family. I think having this page will help my blog grow. If anyone would like to know how to create their own Facebook page feel free to shoot me a message. I would be more than happy to help!
Week 4: What Color is Your Parachute? Ch 2 review
Last night I finished reading chapter 2 of What Color is Your Parachute?. I really enjoyed chapter 2. It was very informative. This chapter was titled, "Google Is Your New Resume". What that means is during this day and age companies are using Google more than an actual resume. It is becoming more and more popular for a company to search your name before they select you for an interview. With that being said, the chapter gives us 4 ways to improve your Google resume. Those 4 ways are; edit, fill in, expand, and add. Each of those 4 ways will make your google resume look a lot better. For example, when editing you want to make sure you delete anything you've posted that seems unprofessional. I think that editing is one of the most important things when fixing up your Google resume because if a company is looking at you and sees that you post things about getting drunk, racist comments and etc, you have less of a chance of getting hired.
Since this chapter talks about Google so much I decided to Google myself to see what would come up.
Since this chapter talks about Google so much I decided to Google myself to see what would come up.
When I search my name nothing bad comes up. All the links to all forms of my social media show up, which I don't think is a bad thing. If a company decides to look at my social media I honestly would not care. My Instagram is open to the public because I do not post things I shouldn't. Same goes for my Twitter. The only issue I stumbled upon was when I image searched my name. Things my friends tagged me in came up. They are not bad pictures or anything, but their captions for things is what makes it iffy. Because of that I will be un-tagging myself from those pictures.
I cannot wait to continue making posts about this book. So far it's been a blast.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Week 3: What Color is Your Parachute?
This week I began reading the book What Color is Your Parachute? At first glance I thought this book was going to be boring and uninteresting. But I was wrong. (Never judge a book by its cover. I know). To be completely honest I have not thought a lot about job hunting. That's mainly because I am so focused on school I haven't had to look for any "big girl" jobs yet. All the jobs I have applied for were little part time jobs that my friends have introduced me to. After reading the first chapter I realized I need to start preparing myself to look for jobs after college now.
The first chapter of the book talks about how finding jobs are getting harder and will continue to get harder as the time goes on. ( Yay for me). Bolles states in the book that 22.6% of people who are looking for a job are spending six months or longer looking for a job. That is very concerning. This is why I think it is important to start preparing myself now. Another thing that concerns me is that the length of how long a jobs lasts has decreased. This section talks about because of the dramatic decrease of how long a job lasts there has been an increase of part time jobs. I don't know about you but I am trying to find a full time job. Sure, it's nice having a little part time job while going to school but that is not going to cut it after I graduate.
I want to refer back to my AI blog for a second. The book mentions the future and how computers are going to continue to play a huge role in the job world. This is the second time I have came across this topic in a week. Bolles says, "...robots will take away a net of 5 million jobs by 2020." 2020 is not that far away people! We need to be prepared for things like this. As mentioned in my blog about AI I think it will be essential for people to learn things like coding. It could give us a huge advantage in the job field. I can't wait to share more tips I learn from this book.
The first chapter of the book talks about how finding jobs are getting harder and will continue to get harder as the time goes on. ( Yay for me). Bolles states in the book that 22.6% of people who are looking for a job are spending six months or longer looking for a job. That is very concerning. This is why I think it is important to start preparing myself now. Another thing that concerns me is that the length of how long a jobs lasts has decreased. This section talks about because of the dramatic decrease of how long a job lasts there has been an increase of part time jobs. I don't know about you but I am trying to find a full time job. Sure, it's nice having a little part time job while going to school but that is not going to cut it after I graduate.
I want to refer back to my AI blog for a second. The book mentions the future and how computers are going to continue to play a huge role in the job world. This is the second time I have came across this topic in a week. Bolles says, "...robots will take away a net of 5 million jobs by 2020." 2020 is not that far away people! We need to be prepared for things like this. As mentioned in my blog about AI I think it will be essential for people to learn things like coding. It could give us a huge advantage in the job field. I can't wait to share more tips I learn from this book.
Week 3: Chapter 2 Introduction to social media.
Welcome back to my blog. Recently I read chapter 2 of my social media marketing textbook, Introduction to Social Media Marketing. I really enjoyed this chapter. It touched on many different things such as creating your own blog, making YouTube videos, as well as editing your YouTube videos, and much more. In all honesty I have always wanted to start my own YouTube channel. I wanted to create my own vlogs. For those of you who don't know vlogs are like blogs just in video form, which I think is pretty cool. Vloggers post things like daily routines, reactions to an event they went to, and much more.
Here is an example of a vlogger I follow on YouTube. You can see one of the videos she posted is called "Reacting to people reacting to out loud".
Vlogging can be anything you want it to be. If we were looking at it from a social media marketing stand point I think it would be best to vlog about new and upcoming products, sales, interviews, reviews on current products, and things like that. It would be more informative than a reaction video.
I never really had the confidence to make my own videos because I was afraid they were just going to be terrible. The book mentions to start small. Make a small video and practice. I think that's an important thing to remember. What I got out of this chapter is that you have to start somewhere. You cannot be afraid to go out on a limb and try something like creating a YouTube video for example. I learned a lot from this chapter and can't wait to see what the rest of this book has to offer. You never know, you might see a vlog from me in the near future!
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Week 2 AI article review
Hope everyone is having a good day. Today I wanted to talk about an article I just ready by Todd Kelsey. The article is called, Don't Delay, No One Can Say (How Soon AI Will Take Jobs Away). First off I would like to talk about my feelings towards the article. While reading this article I really thought about AI and it's purpose. In my personal opinion I think companies are switching over to AI because it's cheaper and faster than people who are trained to do the same job. In all honesty I think computers will eventually take over. Which leads to the problems of major job lose. It's not a guarantee but I think its a possibility. For example, my best friend works at a bank and her bank just got about 3 new ATM's. ATM's can do just about all your banking except create an account, but that could even be done online. If this keeps up she could eventually lose her job.
Something else I thought of while reading this article was the movie iRobot. That whole movie is based on how the world would be if AI took over. In the beginning of the movie everything seemed all fine and dandy but then things took a turn for the worse. With that being said I think there are major pros and cons to AI. Some may not be as bad as robots taking over the world but still we will run into problems with AI. Nothing is perfect, there will be errors.
Also mentioned in the article was coding. Coding plays an important role in just about every field. I am going into the communications field and I already can see how big of a role coding plays. I will be using the internet everyday for jobs in my field. I will be posting things on social media, sending emails, and much more on a day to day basis. These things would not be possible with out coding. As mentioned in the article, and because of my future profession, I think it would be smart to get my feet wet and learn a little bit of coding. I mean it couldn't hurt right? Hopefully I will be able to lean a small amount of coding before I find a job in my field.
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Week 11: Amplifying content for SEO - MKTG 348
Pictures are a great way to grab a readers attention. I highly suggest you include at least one picture for any kind of post you are creatin...

Artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly. We have not spent very much time on the risks of AI. With every creation there is some sort ...
Microsoft came out with an Artificial Intelligence commercial that I just saw on t.v. The commercial is empowering. It talks about how we ha...
While studying SEO as well as reading Introduction to Search Engine Optimization I thought it would be a good idea to look up jobs/internshi...